Thorpes Road, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE75 7GQ

01773 712 893

Corfield Church of England Infant School

 Would you like to join our Governing Board? We are looking for a Parent Governor, Local Authority Governor and a Co-Opted Governor to join our board!

Our Governing Body

The school's Governing body is made up from various members of the community, who have a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience. The Governors work collectively to support the school and participate in decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. The Headteacher is ultimately responsible for the day-to-day management of the school and implementation of policies. The Governors assist the Headteacher and staff by monitoring and keeping under review the broad policies, plans and procedures within which the school operates.


Each Governor is a member of a sub-committee, that meet separately once a term to oversee specific areas within the school. Governors will need to attend their sub-committee meetings as well as the Full Governing Body meetings that take place once a term. Our sub-committees are: Resources and Management and Teaching and Learning. A Governor's term of office lasts for four years and during this time they attend six meetings annually.

Meet Our Governors

Miss L McAlavey

Date of Appointment: 01/04/2020
End of Term: Continuous
Attendance (23/24): 100%

Mrs J Francis

Temporary Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)
Date of Appointment: 28/02/2024
End of Term: 27/02/2028
Attendance (23/24): 
Areas of Responsibility: Early Years, ICT, Looked After Children, Music

Mrs A Turner

Foundation Governor
Date of Appointment: 30/09/2022
End of Term: 29/09/2026
Attendance (23/24): 83%
Areas of Responsibility: Attendance, Head Teacher Performance Management, Mathematics, Pupil Premium, Religious Education, Collective Worship, SEND

Mrs P Stirland

Foundation Governor
Date of Appointment: 01/09/2019
End of Term: 31/08/2027
Attendance (23/24): 100%
Areas of Responsibility: Safeguarding, PHSE

Mrs Z Humphrey

Co-Opted Governor
Contact: Via school office
Date of Appointment: 03/07/2023
End of Term: 02/07/2027
Attendance (23/24): 100%
Areas of Responsibility: Safeguarding

Miss T Raju

Staff Governor
Contact: Via school office
Date of Appointment: 15/02/2023
End of Term: 14/02/2027
Attendance (23/24): 100%
Areas of Responsibility: Safeguarding

Mrs L Stone

Parent Governor
Date of Appointment: 13/12/2023
End of Term: 14/02/2027
Attendance (23/24): 
Areas of Responsibility: Art, Geography, History, Literacy


Clerk to Governors

Governor Vacancies

We are looking for a Co-Opted Governor, Local Authority Governor and a Parent Governor to join our Governing Board!

Please get in touch if you would like to apply or would like more information.

Annual Governance Statement