Thorpes Road, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE75 7GQ

01773 712 893

Corfield Church of England Infant School


Latest Attendance

W/C 10th February 2025: Green



Year 1 94.07%
Year 2  94.67%
TOTAL 95.03%


Attendance Targets

Green - 96% and above

Amber - 90% to 95.99%

Red - Below 90%


If your child receives 100% attendance at the end of a term, they will receive a certificate from school.

Let's see how many certificates your child can get over the year!


Click here to see what legal action can be enforced to improve your child's attendance.


Please click here to read about advice for parents and carers regarding penalty notices.


Your child's attendance is very important. It is vital that our parents work with us to help our children obtain the best possible start in life with a good education. Parents should work in partnership with us and notify us of any upcoming or unforeseen absences. 

We are monitoring our attendance and will send a report home at the end of every term. This report will contain your child's attendance report, pulled straight from the register and a letter informing you of what category your child's attendance falls under (please see letter examples below).

Persistent Absenteeism (PA):

A pupil becomes a ‘persistent absentee’ when they miss 10% or more schooling, at any point, across the school year for whatever reason. Absence at this level is doing considerable damage to any child’s education and we need parent’s fullest support and co-operation to tackle this. We monitor all absence and the reasons given thoroughly. Any case that is seen to have reached the PA mark or is at risk of moving towards that mark is given priority and we will inform the parents/carers immediately - examples of the letters are shown below.

It is important that we do this so any areas of concern can be addressed promptly.

If you require help getting your child to school, please click here.

If you have any queries regarding this, please contact Mrs Bignall or Mrs Pickering.

Attendance Letters

 Letter below 90% (Letter 1) - Corfield.pdfDownload
 Letter below 90% (Letter 2) - Corfield.pdfDownload
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